Once your data is uploaded and processed, it’s ready for review. There are four ways to look at your data:

  1. Get a quick snapshot of each day’s activities in the Daily page.
  2. Get a shareable, in-depth summary of metrics and trends for single activities or groups of activities in the Report.
  3. Get timelines for each activity in the Trends page.
  4. Get step-by-step (or jump-by-jump) granularity for a single activity in the Explore page.

Here’s a brief rundown of a normal data review workflow. Follow the links above to explore each view in greater detail.

Check out the Plantigapedia for more information on our metrics.

🗓 Daily

To review data, go to the People page and click on the name of the person whose data you want to review.

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This will take you to the Daily page. You’ll see the most recent activity listed first. Scroll down to see older activities on different days or click on the date in the top bar to select a specific date on the calendar.

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Each activity card gives a quick overview of the most important metrics for that activity. If you don’t see metrics for an activity yet, data may need to finish uploading first. Look for the checkmark next to the activity to confirm that data has finished uploading.

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Learn more about the 🗓Daily page here.

🔖 Report