Compare metrics side-by-side for individual activities with step-by-step (or jump-by-jump) granularity.
Get to the Explore page or sub pages like Info and Files by clicking the button or dropdown on the Daily page activity card or by clicking on the page in the lefthand side navigation bar under Daily.
Use the Explore plots to look at specific movements during the activity, get insights into limb asymmetry, and look at the relationship between different metrics.
Selected plots will appear on the Explore page in the order they are arranged in the plot selector. Mouse over any plot to see instantaneous measures for all selected metrics in the side panel.
In the Explore plots, the right limb is plotted in green and the left limb is plotted in orange. Portions of the plot highlighted in blue are excluded from calculations by our activity detection algorithm. Sections of the activity where movements other than the activity type are performed are excluded from summary calculations to ensure that only relevant movement are reported.
When mousing over the plot, click on the pin icon to set a reference line on all plots. Click the pin icon again to unpin.
Click and drag on the plot to zoom in on an area of interest. Use the bottom navigation scroller to move through the plots at the same zoom level or expand or contract the zoomed-in section. Click on the plot to zoom out to the previous level. You’ll see a magnifying glass in the top right corner specifying the zoom level you are on.
Zoom in further to see individual steps in gait metrics.
Use the plot selector and controls in the righthand sidebar to customize what appears on this page.
Click on Select Plots to choose the dataset that you want to look at. Different plots will be available depending on the activity. Search for the metric you want or select from the list. Select as many or as few as you would like to see. Selected plots appear on the right.