Get a quick snapshot of each day’s activities in the Daily page.
Get to the Daily page by clicking on a person’s name in the People page. After clicking on their name from the People page, the site will remember the profile you’ve just been on as you navigate throughout other tabs. You’ll see whose profile you are on in the left-hand side bar.
Navigate back to that person’s Daily page in the left-hand side bar or by clicking their name at the top of the page.
In the Daily page, you will see activity cards with a summary of important metrics for each activity performed, listed by day. A different selection of key performance metrics will be shown for each type of activity.
A different selection of key performance metrics will be shown for each type of activity. A different selection of key asymmetry metrics will be shown for each type of activity. The asymmetry marker shows which side had larger numbers. In the example above, there was 6.43% higher load on the left side. Asymmetry markers in the green band are healthy, markers in the yellow bands may need attention, and markers in the red bands may indicate an issue.
From the Daily card, navigate to Reports, Trends, or Explore by clicking the buttons. Navigate to activity Info, Labels, Files or Report by clicking the dropdown next to Explore.
The most recent activity is listed first. Scroll down to see older activities or click on the date at the top of the page to open the calendar and jump to a specific day. Days with recorded activities are marked with a green dot.
You can also use the activity type selector to filter the Daily page to only show activities of one specific type.